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Goltsov Sergey
I serve the art of medical doubt

PUVA therapy of psoriasis in Tyumen

"PUVA therapy of psoriasis in Tyumen allowed many patients to fight back this common disease. Ultraviolet rays of a certain wavelength, which has an anti-inflammatory effect, normalize the immune processes in the skin, accelerate tissue healing and positively affect the metabolism of vitamin D, providing a therapeutic effect in psoriasis, vitiligo, eczema and other skin diseases. The procedure is done courses depending on the disease," says dermatologist NEO-Clinic Savchenkova Julia Maratovna

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Conceptualization of human skin cell subpopulation states
Conceptualization of human skin cell subpopulation states

The results of several patented inventions investigate the dynamics of human skin cell subpopulation states. The immunological phenomena discovered thereby change not only the picture of skin conditions, but also the ideas about approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases... read the article in full

The inside rosacea

Is there an aesthetically more significant area of the skin than the face? And that's not the only question. In approaches to rosacea – chose for its localization is a person, there are many. The first of them – what is the "mechanics" of pathology? Read more...

Блестящая защита дипломов МВА
Блестящая защита дипломов МВА

В 2011 году, защитив под руководством профессора Андрей Теслинов диплом на тему «Стратегия развития NEO-Clinic в условиях неопределённости», я сразу понял, что это только начало. Так и случилось.

Механизм кожного зуда
Механизм кожного зуда

Поскольку чувство зуда является полностью субъективным ощущением, задачей дерматолога становится не только как можно более точное изучение жалоб больного, но и понимание объективных механизмов зуда... об этом и поговорим