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Goltsov Sergey
I serve the art of medical doubt

Intimate recovery after childbirth

Talk about intimate? Childbirth is associated with the joy of motherhood, but its consequences-changing the size and shape of the labia, stretching the walls of the vagina, and more-can affect a woman's self-esteem and cause problems in the intimate sphere. Experienced gynecologists and intimate plastic surgery in NEO-Clinic can return psychological comfort, harmony and happiness to a woman.⠀

Intimate plastic surgery is most often resorted to for aesthetic reasons, but these operations can also eliminate functional changes, solve inconveniences in everyday life associated with wearing underwear, sports, intimacy. And this is really important!⠀

Neo-Clinic gynecologists perform basic procedures of intimate plastic surgery:
- Labioplasty-correction of the shape and size of the labia.
 Perineoplasty (plastic surgery of the perineum) is shown after traumatic childbirth, with the aim of eliminating scars and tears.
- Clitoral surgery involves surgically reducing the pocket of the clitoris for more vivid sensations.
- Plastic vagina-correction of the shape and size of the vagina.
- Contour (injection) intimate plastic will fill the volume of soft tissues, eliminate aesthetic and functional imperfections of the female intimate area, restore tone and moisture of the mucous membrane.

Do not put up with the deterioration of the intimate area after childbirth and a decrease in the quality of life! Reconstructive intimate plastic successfully copes with many problems.