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Goltsov Sergey
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Nature-Friendly Strategy for Growing Innovation: the Placental Approach
Nature-Friendly Strategy for Growing Innovation: the Placental Approach

The creation of fertile innovative ecological environment in the country is constrained by barriers of a conceptual nature. The article identifies four groups of such barriers. The authors propose a strategy for overcoming them based on a comparison of functions necessary for the innovative development of social practices and the natural mechanisms of a new life birth. This allows us to formulate a number of pragmatic recommendations for creating an innovative eco-environment for a wide range of industries. By analogy with natural dynamics of obstetrics, the approach is called placental

Keywords: Innovation, innovation infrastructure, acceleration, eco-environment, placenta, development.

Экзема, такая разная. Почему?
Экзема, такая разная. Почему?

Разобравшись в прошлый раз с механизмом этиопатогенеза, который уже на этом – раннем этапе понимания, определяет единые принципы лечения экземы независимо от её клинических разновидностей, на этот раз нам предстоит рассмотреть особенности развития хронического воспаления в дерме и эпидермисе, которые напротив, указывают на необходимость различий в подходе.

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Neurologist, who is this?


Diseases of the genitourinary system are not accepted to discuss openly. But those who are faced with urological problems, fully felt how much they affect the physical and emotional state and how important it is to know about the signs of these diseases in time to see a doctor.

A person at risk is a person playing ...
A person at risk is a person playing ...

An unexpected interview came from a conversation with the journalist of the newspaper Tyumen News Irina Tarabaeva.