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Goltsov Sergey
I serve the art of medical doubt

NEO-Clinic has been working for you for 12 years

I remember, in 2003, we sit on the floor in our apartment, we rake out papers and drafts, putting them in a box called "our dissertations" and dreaming aloud how to open the Clinic. To my question how to call it, Elena exclaimed without hesitation: NEO! So, for 12 years now we have been doing a joint business with a highly professional team, writes NEO-Clinic history every day in a variety of events, in the name of the beauty and health of hundreds of thousands of patients. Congratulations on the holiday of all our dear colleagues, thank you for the cooperation and responsiveness of all partners and cherish the confidence of patients who chose NEO-Clinic.

Many numbers say something, but the number 12 is special, it always has a sacred meaning or is shrouded in secrets, represents the completeness of the circle or a self-contained cycle. And, for NEO-Clinic, 12 keeps the memories of years and the history of the relationship of a large medical team with a huge number of patients.

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About African glamour
About African glamour

The Olympus of style is still held by the magic of original ornaments, bright colors, animal prints, fantastic accessories and massive adornments.

Is the patient rather alive than dead?
Is the patient rather alive than dead?

Recently I have been asked this question.

This has made me ponder. As you know only dead people do not perspire… If this question has been asked, if it concerns somebody including me and if my feelings give rise to new thoughts then he is rather alive. From the perspective of the doctor stating the facts of the patients being discontent of the quality of the medical care provided he may be dead!

But as the woman cannot be just a little bit pregnant then a person cannot be half or partly alive or dead. Besides ...


Одним из перспективных направлений является применение новых технологий, в частности разработка препаратов, обладающих способностью к нейтрализации и элиминации патогенных микроорганизмов, хорошо проникающих в рану и обладающих репаративными свойствами... читать далее

Счастье застывшей культуры
Счастье застывшей культуры

Любой предмет можно увидеть, потрогать рукой, обозначить именем, наделить смыслом. Это легко! А как быть с умозрительными объектами? Например число пять, это что? Как его подержать в руке? Не в смысле пять яблок, а как число. А воображение - можно ли его потрогать? Это будет посложнее. Или вот, например, культура – это что? Как её увидеть? И, можно ли? А изучить ее закономерности сохранения или развития? Сложно!

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