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Goltsov Sergey
I serve the art of medical doubt

The shape of the dreams

7 years ago, while on a Live Parallel expedition in East Africa, I witnessed a scene. In the middle of the Savannah, on the ground cracked by the heat of brick-red color, from which stick out, straw-yellow, as if in response to the sun killed them, rare and dry bushes with short spines, on the old, with peeling paint stool, was ... TV! But not as big as we draw imagination, and little else with a picture tube, in which the wretched plastic dirty-gray color with completely missing buttons. And this dinosaur technique, imagine, works! From him like a snake, stretching the wire, to standing nearby... the motorcycle, which is operating as a generator, provides electricity to the TV. But that's not all! Another snake-the cable is routed from the television to the nearest tree is antenna. Semicircle, about this miracle of engineering, right on the ground, on which now and then crawling scarab beetles and numerous insects, get out to the surface after sunset, sit or lie people from small to large, spellbound by the action on the screen... as you guessed it, on the screen... football!

All this is quite entertaining, but really I was surprised by one boy who was put next to the motorcycle – to pour into his tank gasoline from a plastic bottle, which he periodically did, but he, crouching, stretching on socks, occasionally jumping, trying through the live wall of his tribesmen, to see (he still could not see because of the rumbling motorcycle), but to see at least the edge of the world that shone pictures of the broadcast football match. For this boy, it was all a real embodiment of his dream of another life!

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God watches us through the dog’s eyes!
God watches us through the dog’s eyes!

You must admit that God watches us right through the dog’s eyes! How else can He watch us, people? And how else can one explain the dog’s look – sincere, speechless but understanding everything? This thought came to my mind 5 years ago though the events which had preceded it go back to the far year of 1998. Read more...

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Перед походом по ту сторону озера Титикака

Ещё одним важным отличием экспедиции является наличие вызова самим себе. Осознанное вопрошание, готовность встречи с явлениями, которые дадут ответ на вопросы или помогут разобраться с познавательными трудностями – всё это отразится результатами или, если хотите, итогами экспедиции. Без извлечения смыслов похода, путешествие превращается в бродяжничество.

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