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Goltsov Sergey
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Buffalo. History of the creation of the custom motorcycle

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About Incas, expeditions and how in life one should remember death.
About Incas, expeditions and how in life one should remember death.

Interview for the author's program "Persona" Anatoly Konstantinovich Omelchuk on the TV channel Russia24 Region-Tyumen.

Conceptual recovery of public health service
Conceptual recovery of public health service

The article makes it clear that the problems of public health service are strategic in nature. That is why only tactical strategic decisions on its development can significantly influence such basic indicators as the sickness rate, the life-span and the ability to work of the population. The conceptual nature of public health service, substantiating the necessity of its conceptual restructuring, is revealed. The scenario of public health service innovative upgrade based on the conceptual technologies, taking into account of the system approach and the cultural context in their inseparability is suggested.

Keywords: Public health care, conceptual restructuring, innovative scenario, system approach, the cultural context

Nature-Friendly Strategy for Growing Innovation: the Placental Approach
Nature-Friendly Strategy for Growing Innovation: the Placental Approach

The creation of fertile innovative ecological environment in the country is constrained by barriers of a conceptual nature. The article identifies four groups of such barriers. The authors propose a strategy for overcoming them based on a comparison of functions necessary for the innovative development of social practices and the natural mechanisms of a new life birth. This allows us to formulate a number of pragmatic recommendations for creating an innovative eco-environment for a wide range of industries. By analogy with natural dynamics of obstetrics, the approach is called placental

Keywords: Innovation, innovation infrastructure, acceleration, eco-environment, placenta, development.

О двойственности и самоидентификации
О двойственности и самоидентификации

Лима, словно узнав, что гости ненадолго, щедро одарила нас событиями дня и встречами, что оставляют следы, по которым наш разум путешествует в прошлом.

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