My projects
Photo Video Blog Books
Goltsov Sergey
I serve the art of medical doubt

in search of another self

Buffalo. History of the creation of the custom motorcycle
Buffalo. History of the creation of the custom motorcycle

Day in day, exactly 5 years, in Mikhail Sharomov's custom workshop, we created this unique custom motorcycle named Buffalo with Harley Davidson V-ROD engine. From idea and concept, design and implementation in every technical detail, through years of friendship, creation and inspired creativity to final assembly and registration. About that in my short film "Buffalo".

Live Parallel GLOBAL
Live Parallel GLOBAL

After twelve years of successful expeditionary experience, the LIVING PARALLEL broadens the horizon of its search. Since 2019, the program of continuous round-the-WORLD STUDY of the possibilities of Culture as a "second nature" and man in local cultures has been continuing.

Stage 1 has already taken place in New Zealand, and the next stage is ahead – South and Central Africa – 2021 

More detailed...

Contact the organizers to participate

Полёт на Луну
Полёт на Луну

Грешно на себя ссылаться, но как-то писал ранее, что человек (та ещё тварь) не стремится к добру или злу, а стремится к максимальному диапазону ощущений... читать далее


Friends, I have a great event! Every letter matters, but today is a special day – the first time in my life I received a letter from the ruling monarch. More...

Official scientific report of expedition KON-TIKI II
Official scientific report of expedition KON-TIKI II

A person at risk is a person playing ...
A person at risk is a person playing ...

An unexpected interview came from a conversation with the journalist of the newspaper Tyumen News Irina Tarabaeva.

Что взять с собой в путешествие?
Что взять с собой в путешествие?

Как и всё, что бывает в жизни впервые, моя первая экспедиция оставила самые яркие воспоминания о событиях, коими мы измеряем саму ткань жизни. Особенным пятном в памяти остались сборы и что же взять с собой в путешествие