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Goltsov Sergey
I serve the art of medical doubt

Message from His Majesty the King

Ещё в блоге:

Health – the main joy of women

Women rarely talk about gynecological diseases, even with loved ones and, unfortunately, with the appearance of certain alarming symptoms often avoid visiting a doctor: prevent the feeling of awkwardness and fear of hearing an alarming diagnosis. Read more...

The shape of the dreams
The shape of the dreams

A friend asked today: Do you watch football?
To answer him I say, there is deceit, pure and simple. How can I not watch if football is literally everywhere, and I have the same eyes and ears... However, his question inspired me one memory. Read further...

Intimate recovery after childbirth

Talk about intimate? Childbirth is associated with the joy of motherhood, but its consequences-changing the size and shape of the labia, stretching the walls of the vagina, and more-can affect a woman's self-esteem and cause problems in the intimate sphere.

Living with cannibals has turned out to be possible… if there’s a will!
Living with cannibals has turned out to be possible… if there’s a will!

Looking into the eyes of this female leader of the Korowai tribe who are still considered to be cannibals, one may think there will be a more vivid experience during our life but the state of shock is still holding us hard! Read more…