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Goltsov Sergey
I serve the art of medical doubt

Voodoo people – solving various challenging issues

















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Is the patient rather alive than dead?
Is the patient rather alive than dead?

Recently I have been asked this question.

This has made me ponder. As you know only dead people do not perspire… If this question has been asked, if it concerns somebody including me and if my feelings give rise to new thoughts then he is rather alive. From the perspective of the doctor stating the facts of the patients being discontent of the quality of the medical care provided he may be dead!

But as the woman cannot be just a little bit pregnant then a person cannot be half or partly alive or dead. Besides ...

Полёт на Луну
Полёт на Луну

Грешно на себя ссылаться, но как-то писал ранее, что человек (та ещё тварь) не стремится к добру или злу, а стремится к максимальному диапазону ощущений... читать далее

Mole or melanoma?

On the body became more moles? Has unexplained growths on the skin? So it's time to contact NEO-Clinic. And this advice is especially relevant in summer. The holiday season is in full swing, and many people rushed to Tyumen, where you can enjoy the sun and warmth. Sometimes this happens in excessive quantities, which is fraught with very unpleasant consequences. Further...

Свобода с приставкой НЕ
Свобода с приставкой НЕ

Свобода — какое вкусное слово. А какое желанное! С ранних лет это слово фиксируется в нашем сознании наряду с любовью и счастьем, в то же время являя собой совершенно особое и, не в меньшей степени, желанное состояние. Ценностный ряд таких слов не случаен.