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Goltsov Sergey
I serve the art of medical doubt

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Parallel worlds
Parallel worlds

Parallel worlds exist not only in the books by science fiction writers. One can find them in medicine, too. In this article I will share the analogies that I saw visiting the production facility Lumenis in Israel. It turned out that we have a lot in common with the Israel developers. So ...

Свобода с приставкой НЕ
Свобода с приставкой НЕ

Свобода — какое вкусное слово. А какое желанное! С ранних лет это слово фиксируется в нашем сознании наряду с любовью и счастьем, в то же время являя собой совершенно особое и, не в меньшей степени, желанное состояние. Ценностный ряд таких слов не случаен.


Buffalo. History of the creation of the custom motorcycle
Buffalo. History of the creation of the custom motorcycle

Day in day, exactly 5 years, in Mikhail Sharomov's custom workshop, we created this unique custom motorcycle named Buffalo with Harley Davidson V-ROD engine. From idea and concept, design and implementation in every technical detail, through years of friendship, creation and inspired creativity to final assembly and registration. About that in my short film "Buffalo".

One of the cities obligatory for visiting on the way to the Papuans – Jakarta
One of the cities obligatory for visiting on the way to the Papuans – Jakarta

I want to take a breath – we have done it! The expedition Live Parallel 2013 – Papua New Guinea where we walked many kilometers through the jungle, spent tens of kilometers inside the tarantas and hundreds of kilometers on board small planes flying on the same principle as a route-taxi, has come to an end without loss and above all with the result! But it could be otherwise… Well, let us not talk about sad things but about interesting ones, so… Jakarta was the first place to see.