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Goltsov Sergey
I serve the art of medical doubt


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Нескромно представлюсь, Вильям Генри Гейтс III
Нескромно представлюсь, Вильям Генри Гейтс III

Стаффордширский бультерьер является самой популярной породой в Лондоне. 

The inside rosacea

Is there an aesthetically more significant area of the skin than the face? And that's not the only question. In approaches to rosacea – chose for its localization is a person, there are many. The first of them – what is the "mechanics" of pathology? Read more...

Nature-Friendly Strategy for Growing Innovation: the Placental Approach
Nature-Friendly Strategy for Growing Innovation: the Placental Approach

The creation of fertile innovative ecological environment in the country is constrained by barriers of a conceptual nature. The article identifies four groups of such barriers. The authors propose a strategy for overcoming them based on a comparison of functions necessary for the innovative development of social practices and the natural mechanisms of a new life birth. This allows us to formulate a number of pragmatic recommendations for creating an innovative eco-environment for a wide range of industries. By analogy with natural dynamics of obstetrics, the approach is called placental

Keywords: Innovation, innovation infrastructure, acceleration, eco-environment, placenta, development.

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Знакомство с аяуаской

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