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Goltsov Sergey
I serve the art of medical doubt

Official scientific report of expedition KON-TIKI II

Ещё в блоге:

Watch what you take, otherwise... you'll get better!
Watch what you take, otherwise... you'll get better!

Few of my colleagues remember the glorious time when not only a comprehensive approach based on objective knowledge was used in the treatment of skin diseases and sexually transmitted infections, but also Immunostimulants were used, especially for the treatment of late forms of syphilis. Further...

Conceptualization of human skin cell subpopulation states
Conceptualization of human skin cell subpopulation states

The results of several patented inventions investigate the dynamics of human skin cell subpopulation states. The immunological phenomena discovered thereby change not only the picture of skin conditions, but also the ideas about approaches to the diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases... read the article in full

Let's get acquainted
Let's get acquainted

A man can talk about anything, but he only talks about himself with pleasure. :)

Механизм кожного зуда
Механизм кожного зуда

Поскольку чувство зуда является полностью субъективным ощущением, задачей дерматолога становится не только как можно более точное изучение жалоб больного, но и понимание объективных механизмов зуда... об этом и поговорим