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Goltsov Sergey
I serve the art of medical doubt

Проведен эксперимент на 40 половозрелых кроликах с целью сравнения пролиферативной и апоптотической активности клеток эпидермиса и дермы при формировании грубого соединительнотканного рубца и эпителизации раны без образования рубца с восстановлением функции поврежденного участка... читать о результатах эксперимента

Phenotypic dermatology
Phenotypic dermatology

I realized very early on the need to move from treating one patient to treating many by creating a methodology. Remembering the French singer Edith Piaf, who said: "I don't sing for everyone - I sing for everyone" (and she sang for everyone), I also remember well the inspiration when I first thought of... phenotypic dermatology

Cradles of Culture
Cradles of Culture

As a doctor, I repeatedly observed the development of a human embryo from several cells, witnessing the mystery of the appearance of life in the embryological laboratory. Also, as when a long time ago an organism emerged from the first cells, and then a person developed, now having made a population of the planet in seven billion three hundred million, life on the Earth also originated. But, one thing is birth, and the other is development. Read more...

Устройство для активации репаративных потенций клеток кожи
Устройство для активации репаративных потенций клеток кожи

Устройство для активации репаративных потенций клеток кожи... читать об устройстве


Training in a new fashion!

"Testing site", "a different approach to training", "a new level of the training process" –  this is how the students describe the training process in private establishment of continuing professional education for medical staff at. This is all about applying special approaches to the postgraduate education More...


Is the patient rather alive than dead?
Is the patient rather alive than dead?

Recently I have been asked this question.

This has made me ponder. As you know only dead people do not perspire… If this question has been asked, if it concerns somebody including me and if my feelings give rise to new thoughts then he is rather alive. From the perspective of the doctor stating the facts of the patients being discontent of the quality of the medical care provided he may be dead!

But as the woman cannot be just a little bit pregnant then a person cannot be half or partly alive or dead. Besides ...

God watches us through the dog’s eyes!
God watches us through the dog’s eyes!

You must admit that God watches us right through the dog’s eyes! How else can He watch us, people? And how else can one explain the dog’s look – sincere, speechless but understanding everything? This thought came to my mind 5 years ago though the events which had preceded it go back to the far year of 1998. Read more...

Parallel worlds
Parallel worlds

Parallel worlds exist not only in the books by science fiction writers. One can find them in medicine, too. In this article I will share the analogies that I saw visiting the production facility Lumenis in Israel. It turned out that we have a lot in common with the Israel developers. So ...

Чтобы помнили и пользовались.
Чтобы помнили и пользовались.

Кожные и венерические болезни относятся к древнейшим заболеваниям человечества, сопровождавшим людей на всех этапах эволюции. Стоит отметить, что самый древний образец медицинской литературы, а именно глиняная табличка с шумерским текстом, найденная в Ниппуре (на территории современного Ирака), повествует о лечении именно кожных заболеваний. Спустя десятки тысяч лет хочется говорить и писать именно о кожных и венерических болезнях.

Expedition to the lost world
Expedition to the lost world

Conversation on Facebook:
– Where are you?
– Travelling.
– Where this time?
– Where cannibals live.
– ...How are you?
– All parts of my body still belong to me!:)

Seems funny? Click the "like" button. Somebody will say – it can’t be true, what cannibals these days?! A year later after we spent 3 weeks in company with true cannibals as participants of the expedition "Live Parallel in Papua New Guinea", I can hardly believe it myself. Shall we remember it together?